Okay, who else thinks that Michelle Duggar wears dresses because her uterus is probably falling out of her vagina?
Tuesday night I decided to watch the Duggar family TV show on The Litter Channel (known to some as TLC…but really, Jon & Kate, The Duggars, that new show where the family has 12…doesn’t ANYONE show ER shows anymore?). 18 kids is fucking insane. Really, the only woman who beats Michelle Duggar on the basis of insanity is Octomom, but that’ll be a whole post of it’s own when I get around to it.
This lady needs to have it taken out before she has enough kids she can legally declare her property as it’s own country. She and her husband call each one of their children (Jana, John, Jinger, Jessie’s Girl, Jello, Jedidiah, Jimmy-Choo, Jimalimadingdong, Jimminy Cricket, and John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt) a blessing from God.
Um….if God gave ME 18 kids, I would take that as a sign that he hates me and wants to kill myself. What nutjobs. Stop overpopulating the Earth, woman! Two more kids and you’re going to have to start an indie-pop family band!
The episode was about how the chaotic it gets in the house when the Duggars go to the dentist. What a creepy family! May I just say right now that Jim-Bob Duggar gives off the air of dumbass borderline-pedophile? Okay, how old were YOU when you first started going to the dentist without needing your daddy to hold you hand? JB here actually went in and sat next to his 19-year-old son and held his hand as he had a filling! WTF?!?! All the time he was acting so amazed at how far medical technology has come so his children didn't have to feel pain and blah blah.
And all the time he was talking about his children not feeling pain, I kept thinking about euthanizing a dog. He was so solemn as he said it and I just wanted to punch a baby.
Anyway, the family in general is just creepy. The girls wear t-shirts and long denim skirts EVERY DAY. No pants. And apparently, it’s a religious thing from this Bible quote where women and men can’t dress the same. Errr…back in those days, men wore tunics and togas. So, shouldn’t the WOMEN be wearing the pants? The look just doesn’t work.
And one more point about them I just don’t get: Michelle and GI-Jimbo refuse to have televisions in the house, because television is corrupted and has nothing but porno in it, according to them. Um…they’re filming a TV show for 70,000 dollars an episode! Hypocrites much once the money starts talking? They may have some weird beliefs, but what bugs me MORE about them in how they’re selling out their beliefs and exploiting their children for cold hard cash. Disgraceful. You guys seem so strong about your borderline-Mennonite beliefs, and yet in soe,m subtle ways you’re still such hypocrites. That bugs me. What message are you sending the kids? All 200 of them? You remember…J-Grumpy, J-Dopey, J-Dinky, J-Dumbass, J-Donner and J-Blitzen?
God, how many J-names are left? I doubt they’d name another girl Jezebel. Jezebel’s a bad Christian name. I don’t think they’ve used Jacob for a boy yet, which is odd because I’d think of Jacob before Jedidiah, which translates into modern English as “Please kick my ass on the playground.”
Oh wait, they’re homeschooled. Nevermind. Oy.
Tuesday night I decided to watch the Duggar family TV show on The Litter Channel (known to some as TLC…but really, Jon & Kate, The Duggars, that new show where the family has 12…doesn’t ANYONE show ER shows anymore?). 18 kids is fucking insane. Really, the only woman who beats Michelle Duggar on the basis of insanity is Octomom, but that’ll be a whole post of it’s own when I get around to it.
This lady needs to have it taken out before she has enough kids she can legally declare her property as it’s own country. She and her husband call each one of their children (Jana, John, Jinger, Jessie’s Girl, Jello, Jedidiah, Jimmy-Choo, Jimalimadingdong, Jimminy Cricket, and John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt) a blessing from God.
Um….if God gave ME 18 kids, I would take that as a sign that he hates me and wants to kill myself. What nutjobs. Stop overpopulating the Earth, woman! Two more kids and you’re going to have to start an indie-pop family band!
The episode was about how the chaotic it gets in the house when the Duggars go to the dentist. What a creepy family! May I just say right now that Jim-Bob Duggar gives off the air of dumbass borderline-pedophile? Okay, how old were YOU when you first started going to the dentist without needing your daddy to hold you hand? JB here actually went in and sat next to his 19-year-old son and held his hand as he had a filling! WTF?!?! All the time he was acting so amazed at how far medical technology has come so his children didn't have to feel pain and blah blah.
And all the time he was talking about his children not feeling pain, I kept thinking about euthanizing a dog. He was so solemn as he said it and I just wanted to punch a baby.
Anyway, the family in general is just creepy. The girls wear t-shirts and long denim skirts EVERY DAY. No pants. And apparently, it’s a religious thing from this Bible quote where women and men can’t dress the same. Errr…back in those days, men wore tunics and togas. So, shouldn’t the WOMEN be wearing the pants? The look just doesn’t work.
And one more point about them I just don’t get: Michelle and GI-Jimbo refuse to have televisions in the house, because television is corrupted and has nothing but porno in it, according to them. Um…they’re filming a TV show for 70,000 dollars an episode! Hypocrites much once the money starts talking? They may have some weird beliefs, but what bugs me MORE about them in how they’re selling out their beliefs and exploiting their children for cold hard cash. Disgraceful. You guys seem so strong about your borderline-Mennonite beliefs, and yet in soe,m subtle ways you’re still such hypocrites. That bugs me. What message are you sending the kids? All 200 of them? You remember…J-Grumpy, J-Dopey, J-Dinky, J-Dumbass, J-Donner and J-Blitzen?
God, how many J-names are left? I doubt they’d name another girl Jezebel. Jezebel’s a bad Christian name. I don’t think they’ve used Jacob for a boy yet, which is odd because I’d think of Jacob before Jedidiah, which translates into modern English as “Please kick my ass on the playground.”
Oh wait, they’re homeschooled. Nevermind. Oy.
i think you should have used Jumpin' Jehosephat! or something like that...