Friday, May 29, 2009

Americanizing Foreign Films: DON’T!!!

Today I’m going to mindlessly bitch about a topic that makes me nervous every time I think about it: American remakes of awesome foreign films. I want to rant about why it’s wrong, why it doesn’t work, and why it’s wronger than it was three seconds ago when I first typed that it was wrong. To do that, I feel I must use a hypothetical example that ALMOST happened, but the idea has since descended into Production Hell, where it deserves to stay for eternity.

And yes, it involves Battle Royale. Fuck you, bitch.

A few years ago, an idea was started in Hollywood to remake the epic Japanese (because everything epic is Japanese) action/psychological horror film Battle Royale. It was eventually scrapped because of the Virginia Tech shootings and it was considered insensitive. The very idea of Battle Royale being Americanized is fucking scary and downright disturbing.

Battle Royale, if you’re a poor enough soul to have not seen it, is basically about Japan in a futuristic Militaristic Totalitarian state where once a year, one class is chosen to be kidnapped, taken to this remote location, given weapons, and told to kill each other in 3 days. They are tagged with explosives so they cannot escape, and if there is more than one survivor after 3 days, the explosives go off and no one survives.

Immediately, can’t you think of ninety thousand ways Americans would fuck up this film? Well, maybe you’re not a total nerd like I am, but I certainly can, and most of them don’t even have to do with the plot itself, although the first and most obvious thing that comes to mind is the fact that the plot will be ‘cleaned up’ and ‘dumbed down’ for the American audience. Hell, Battle Royale isn’t even distributed in the US, and my DVD copy is an import with crappy subtitles. The Japanese didn’t hesitate to spill the blood and make it good and gross. Americanized Battle Royale would be a lot more visual effects and a lot more fluff.

Another thing about the real Battle Royale I adore is the relationships between the students. ALL of the students. In the movie, you could really feel they were a class. Each one of the characters, even the very minor ones, had backstories within themselves and with others. What American movies do a lot is they focus so much on the main characters the minor characters have NO development. And also, everything is so damn clique-ish. In BR they purposefully created a sense of unity within the class in some aspects, which made the fact that they killed each other more chilling and intense. America would bypass that mood completely and get right to the general plot with Nanahara and Noriko.

Which brings me to another point. BR casted a LOT of newcomers in the film. Tatsuya Fujiwara’s first major film was BR, and the movie used very few veterans. America would go for the all-star cast led by Zac Efron and Miley Cyrus. Who would fuck it up because they suck at life, and the whole thing would be ruined.

Not to mention in casting, the American BR would have 40 white, middle-class hotties with the exception of maybe ONE or TWO black people. They would all be hot beach bunnies with little life and personality outside sex and their cliques. Just like every other American movie that takes place in high school from 2000 on. At least in BR the students, while all Japanese (for obvious reasons) we still so diverse in character and actors. Most of them were new. There were ugly and awkward guys and even a few chubby girls mixed in with the pretty girls and the hot sports star guys. That further makes the Japanese movie creepy and effective. The class gave the illusion of an AVERAGE class, not a private school from Orange County. Oh, and the personalities were so diverse too. Loud girls, quiet girls, horny boys, bullies, and bookish dudes! American movies just don’t do that ever. American movies just seem to hate diversified casts. That would ruin the eeriness BR had.

Because the point the director was trying to make when making it was to have you ask yourself, “If that were my class, what would I do?” How can you ask that if you have hard time believing that these blonde, tones 20-somethings trying to play young teens are in any way relatable to you?

One more major thing (among many others…damn, I really could go on all night about this) that Americanizing BR would fail at is the plot. BR is just as much psychological as it is a bloodbath. American directors would dumb down the psychology and so right for the guts. The psychology is what makes it such a damn great movie! It would just be a straight-up slasher flick that would have no long-term impact on the minds of it’s audience. Because that’s the American way, and it sucks.

Damn, you would’ve thought I was a Canadian the way I keep expressing my hatred for the crap-ass American media…but anyway, that’s all I got to say ‘bout that.

America Sucks (aka I Think I'm Turning Japanese...)

Why is it that consistently Japanese actors are hotter than American/European actors? I mean, this isn’t just a matter of opinion (okay so it is, but for all intents and purposes, I’m right and you’re wrong). Japanese celebrities are actually always hotter than American/English hot. Americans always have something WRONG with them! But Japanese people, they’re so beautiful, men and women. They’ve got gorgeous faces and the best eyes on the planet.

And let’s get into the personalities too. With SOME exceptions, Japanese actors keep to themselves a lot more, whereas in the US Zac Efron can’t take a shit without it being on the cover of US Weekly next week! And it’s not like Rob Pattinson’s love life is FASCINATING. So he gets around, big whoop. I can name five men who probably have had more booty than he has, and they actually have PERSONALITIES (NOT ALWAYS good ONES, BUT STILL…) Japanese actors are cute and stylish, and they don’t like spilling their guts to every tabloid on Earth.

Geez, and we’ve got big dorks like Zac Efron or big jerks like Rob Pattinson. It isn’t even like they’re drop-dead handsome. Zac Efron looks so impish and immature. Rob Pattinson looks like the latest addition to the America’s Most Wanted Family.

Look at the comparison photos between Mainstream American Zac Efron and my FAVORITE Japanese actor (who also is pretty mainstream in his home country), Tatsuya Fujiwara:

You can’t honestly look at these photos and not pic the Death Note babe! Zac almost has that geeky tourist look, only too excited to wave into the camera. Tatsuya looks so laid back and smokin’, like a male celebrity is SUPPOSED to look like! Cool! And he ALWAYS looks like that! Gragh!

Here’s another example: Rob Pattinson and Ando Masanobu, who both play odd, darker characters:

God, maybe part of it is the obvious Anti-Twilight bias baggage I have, but if I were to choose a dark, brooding man out of these to, gimme the psycho killer with the Ingram (Battle Royale reference…I really am a dork and a half) Rob here looks like he got a lobotomy before having this photo taken. Ando’s look is intense, scary. I honestly want to rape him. I’ve seen three movies with him in it (all subtitled in Engrish, o’course) and he’s so talented too! If Rob doesn’t impress me with Little Ashes, I am probably going to kick his ass. So much hype over him but I still can’t see the supposed talent he has. Even Cedric Diggory didn’t impress me much.

And, as my friend Allie would say: Rob's got an awkward face. I couldn't agree more.

And the WOMEN…hmm….lets see…Ashley Tisdale vs Kou Shibasaki:

Shall I even begin to rant about Ashley Tisdale? Nawh, you’re right. This one wasn’t fair. Kou is so drop-dead beautiful, and again with the cool photo, whereas Tisdale looks uncomfortable to be in front of the camera.

Sorry if this offends anyone or if they disagree. But I’m just saying, why are our actors so lame???? Why can’t we have ONE American actress who isn’t a preppy bubble bleached blonde with a big nose and tight jeans? Why do all our men have those weird EYES? Honestly, Rob Pattinson, to be frank, is not hot. He looks like he belongs in Shawshank (and I’m not talkin’ redemption, babe).

Well, I guess that’s enough for now. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go read manga and eat pocky. Fuck you.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Of Dunces and Duggars

Okay, who else thinks that Michelle Duggar wears dresses because her uterus is probably falling out of her vagina?

Tuesday night I decided to watch the Duggar family TV show on The Litter Channel (known to some as TLC…but really, Jon & Kate, The Duggars, that new show where the family has 12…doesn’t ANYONE show ER shows anymore?). 18 kids is fucking insane. Really, the only woman who beats Michelle Duggar on the basis of insanity is Octomom, but that’ll be a whole post of it’s own when I get around to it.

This lady needs to have it taken out before she has enough kids she can legally declare her property as it’s own country. She and her husband call each one of their children (Jana, John, Jinger, Jessie’s Girl, Jello, Jedidiah, Jimmy-Choo, Jimalimadingdong, Jimminy Cricket, and John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmitt) a blessing from God.

Um….if God gave ME 18 kids, I would take that as a sign that he hates me and wants to kill myself. What nutjobs. Stop overpopulating the Earth, woman! Two more kids and you’re going to have to start an indie-pop family band!

The episode was about how the chaotic it gets in the house when the Duggars go to the dentist. What a creepy family! May I just say right now that Jim-Bob Duggar gives off the air of dumbass borderline-pedophile? Okay, how old were YOU when you first started going to the dentist without needing your daddy to hold you hand? JB here actually went in and sat next to his 19-year-old son and held his hand as he had a filling! WTF?!?! All the time he was acting so amazed at how far medical technology has come so his children didn't have to feel pain and blah blah.

And all the time he was talking about his children not feeling pain, I kept thinking about euthanizing a dog. He was so solemn as he said it and I just wanted to punch a baby.

Anyway, the family in general is just creepy. The girls wear t-shirts and long denim skirts EVERY DAY. No pants. And apparently, it’s a religious thing from this Bible quote where women and men can’t dress the same. Errr…back in those days, men wore tunics and togas. So, shouldn’t the WOMEN be wearing the pants? The look just doesn’t work.

And one more point about them I just don’t get: Michelle and GI-Jimbo refuse to have televisions in the house, because television is corrupted and has nothing but porno in it, according to them. Um…they’re filming a TV show for 70,000 dollars an episode! Hypocrites much once the money starts talking? They may have some weird beliefs, but what bugs me MORE about them in how they’re selling out their beliefs and exploiting their children for cold hard cash. Disgraceful. You guys seem so strong about your borderline-Mennonite beliefs, and yet in soe,m subtle ways you’re still such hypocrites. That bugs me. What message are you sending the kids? All 200 of them? You remember…J-Grumpy, J-Dopey, J-Dinky, J-Dumbass, J-Donner and J-Blitzen?

God, how many J-names are left? I doubt they’d name another girl Jezebel. Jezebel’s a bad Christian name. I don’t think they’ve used Jacob for a boy yet, which is odd because I’d think of Jacob before Jedidiah, which translates into modern English as “Please kick my ass on the playground.”

Oh wait, they’re homeschooled. Nevermind. Oy.

California Loses Five Billion Internets

Here's our first political rant of the blog! Huzzah!

This week, Prop 8 was upheld in California, and forgive me for being so melodramatic, but I got so pissed off. I just don’t understand what gives California the right to let the public decide who gets civil rights or not?! The public didn’t have to vote on integration in the 60s, nor did the public vote on whether women got the voting rights in the 20s. If that had been the case, then south of Virginia African-Americans would still be sharecropping and subject to Jim Crow Laws, and in some states women would not even be voting! Come ON, California, get with it!

Honestly, this whole bitch goes back to the alleged separation of church and state. This country was NOT founded on Christianity or Judeo-Christian ideas. George Washington was a Mason. Jefferson and Adams were Deists (which meant they believed in a god, but not the God/Jesus of Christianity). I’m fed up with Evangelicals and Pentecostals insisting that was the way it was. And regardless: what happened to equality for all? Why should the public of California decide whether a same-sex couple has a right to the same happiness that straight couples get? Because Prop 8 only got passed because many Mormons and Pentecostals live out there. And remember: it barely got passed with around 53% of the vote. That’s not a wide margin by any means.

And may I humbly ask those who oppose it: what exactly is WRONG with letting gays marry? And in your arguments, don’t you DARE use anything pertaining to God or the Bible, because neither of those have ANY place in legislature. Truly: how will it ‘take away rights’ (as that Gathering Storm add mentioned)? If anything, those people are being hypocrites by actually taking away the rights of others who are the same citizens as anyone else. People like those from NOM and other anti-gay marriage organizations are bigots using fear to cover up the truth: there is nothing wrong with it, and you all are letting your morals get where they don’t belong to begin with. Leave your feelings in the pews, and let’s grow up as a country. Because Europe certainly knows what they’re talking about…Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Holland, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Canada, and Mexico to name a few countries that recognize gay ,marriage as legal and equal.

Amendments to state constitutions like Prop 8 are not legit by any means, and I cannot believe the court actually upheld a ban on the rights of other people. It should not be about morals and values when it comes to law making. And it should not be about constitutions and law making when it comes to two people who love each other regardless of what sex/gender they identify with. For those fanatic Christians who oppose gay marriage: did not Jesus himself say ‘Love Thy Neighbor?’ Do you REALLY think he would approve of your discrimination and bigotry?

True, it may say in the Bible that it’s wrong, but then again, in the SAME book, it mentions that women shalt not cut their hair, and people shalt not eat pork and fish! It says people can’t get tattoos and if a woman is raped, SHE gets killed by stoning and other laws of the like. If we’re going to ban gay marriage, why not go for the whole thing? No more bacon, no more cute pixie-cuts, and I know at least ten women who would automatically be put on death row.

So please, California, grow up. And those of you who oppose same sex marriage but cannot produce a single legal argument (which again, I define as an argument that does not bring morals, religion, God, or family into the equation and uses strictly legal terminology), shut your mouths and let them marry! Because I can sum up my entire argument in one fully-legitimate sentence: In the end, they are still citizens and deserve full legal rights just as any American citizen.

Suck it, NOM. You little fuckers can't even BEGIN to counter-attack that!

That Twilight Bashing Session!

As seen on one of my most popular FB notes:

Basically, I want to rant about Twilight today. Sit back and chillax!

It was my sister (who I am ashamed to say is a Twitard in every sense) who dared me to take Bella and every member of the Cullen family and find something wrong with them. If I could do that, then she would let me take a lighter to her Twilight book (hardcover, 2nd edition). Okay, that is an epic prize right there. A: I <3 color="#6600cc">
So here, in rantablulous form: is the challenge met!

My thesis: The Cullens are Meyer’s way of living her fantasy of her perfect family/ life. Each member represents an aspect of her life she either wants to change in herself or just co-exist with in her own personal Fantasyland.

Let’s start with the Queen Mother (in more than one way) of the ‘Cullens’:

Edward: You want the bashing in alphabetical order, chronological order, or in order of importance? Any butthead with an eighth of a brain can see that he’s Meyer’s Fantasyman. Take Mr. Rochester, throw in a dash of Mr. Darcy, stir for 5 minutes while slowly adding a bit of any male soap opera star from the past 20 years and there you have it! Edward Cullen goulash, and yes, it’s a stinky, misogynist stew. Edward is a bipolar, moody sunuvabitch who abuses and has complete control over his leading lady. He KNOWS she can’t live without him, and he uses her as a result of it. Okay, so most of us have had occasional submissive sexual dreams before, but this is just Meyer’s Mormonist beliefs that women were made subservient shining through. It’s sad that a sexy male lead for her can’t be an equal. Conclusion on Edward: He needeth therapy, and to live for a year with Xena: Warrior Princess. If he makes it out alive, then he’ll be a changed douchebag!

Carlisle: Carlisle, IMO, represents Meyer’s ‘Daddy’ fantasy, obviously. The all-around good father. Either she’s got some psycho Elektra complex hidden in her empty head somewhere, or she had Daddy-issues as a child. Carlisle is the perfect father who literally made his whole family. Metaphor, much? Is she perhaps saying that every family needs a daddy or it will all fall apart? That’s a whole OTHER argument and don’t get me started there!

Esme: Mommy dearest here, with the overwhelming capacity to love, while at the same time always knows best, is Meyer’s subconscious wish for how she hopes her own sons see her as a mother. The perfect lady for the perfect lord. Also, Esme’s undying loving relationship with Carlisle can represent the relationship she wishes she had with her husband…and we KNOW that’s not how it is now, because no relationship that lasts is perfect.

Alice: Ah yes, the Luna Lovegood wannabe. Perhaps Meyer saw how such a positive reactions JKR’s ‘loony’ character got, so she just HAD to get herself one of those! The thing is, though, Alice isn’t even that crazy. She’s just a little ‘different’ but that, of course, makes her ‘weird’ and ‘out there.’ Also, what Luna has that Alice lacks is the ‘wisdom behind the crazy.’ Alice has no philosophies and just ends up being another perfect Cullen in Meyer’s Fantasyland. Sad, because from what I read of the first two books, she had potential.

Jasper: the Convert. I read a LOT of Wikipedia for my research for this. Jasper is the one that was ‘converted’ to ‘vampire vegetarianism.’ Any asshole with a brain can easily see that this is a subconscious metaphor for Meyer’s desire for her Mormon faith to grow, and more and more people converting. Nuf said there.

Emmitt: The strong, protective brother Meyer wishes she had. Again, man-protecting-weak-woman syndrome. He seems to have the Ah-nold Schwartenegger-esque bit to him: cool, confidant, but strong as all hell. I don’t want to go into it.

Rosalie: Meyer’s beauty fantasy. Also her jealous comeback aimed at all those girls who she knows have better looks than herself. Rosalie’s damn gorgeous, and yet she’s the only Cullen who isn’t perfect. She’s jealous of Bella and can’t have what Bella has and longs for it (see Bella, below). This is clearly Meyer saying ‘Ha ha, fuck you, you can’t have what I have and you’re prettier than me!” Please, bitch, grow the hell up.

And for the Grande Finale…

Bella Cullen: Self insert of a woman with minimal personality, and that pulls this whole rant together. Bella IS Stephanie Meyer in the here and now, as she is. While the others represent either something Meyer longs for or wants to change about her crap life, Bella is the Alice in this whole Meyer Wonderland. But what Meyer did wrong with this was that she ‘masked’ her own faults and made Bella sooooo perfect that she sucked. You think maybe she’s got a little bit on ego on her? If you’re going to self-insert yourself into a novel, at least make your book persona human, because like it or not, Meyer, you ARE human, and you HAVE faults.

Now that THAT’S done with, I have some kindling to gather for my book campfire, around which I shall dance an Anti-Twilight war dance, then go watch Battle Royale , because even senseless Japanese violence has more intellectual merit than Twilight. (There is a LOT to be said about Battle Royale, actually, but we’ll save that for another day…)

Welcome to a Average Joe's Nightmare...

I, the Great Lady Sadie, also known as Sadie Lovegood, also known as Colleenie, have so graciously decided to share my Gift of Rant with you lower life forms. Worship me, bitches.

Welcome to 'Bitch, Please!' The blog for anyone who just doesn't get mainstream media and loves to rant (or read rants) about random stuff that never makes any sense. However, I do not like to call what I do 'senseless bantering.' I prefer to consider my art 'Intelligent Griping.'

Either way, if there's anything you don't get in the news, media, or world, just drop me line or two and I'll be happy to rant on your behalf and try to makre things a little clearer (or a little vaguer...) for you. Please note that if you do not agree with my opinions, please go take a long walk off a short cliff before you decide to bash what I have to say. Thank you and have a pleasant tomorrow.

A Quick Fact Sheet About Moi:

Likes: Harry Potter saga, cats, Perez Hilton, random wigs in fantabulous colors, reading, acting, ranting and more ranting
Hates: Twilight, Nation for Marriage, bigots, Becky Fisher,
Fav Food: Chinese takeout
Fav Movie: The Princess Bride
Fav Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Fav Manga: Battle Royale
Major: American Studies with a concentration in Culture
Sign: Gemini
Relationship Status: Going on 2 months with my loverly Cody

So, enough about me, lets get the hell to the ranting!

Remember: Something you have to say? Comment or message me and I'll see if I give enough of a crap to reply! Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky with Lady Sadie!