Formerly titled ‘Harry Potter: The Musical,’ ‘A Very Potter Musical’ is the college-aged spoofapalooza that had me ROFL-ing from song to song. The jokes were GenY-culturally packed and even if you weren’t enough of a Potter Freak to get the inside-jokes (i.e. Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory and Voldemort coming out of the back of Professor Quirell’s head) you’d still laugh at the references to Seinfeld, Ghostbusters, High School Musical, and the general antics of the incredibly-talented cast members. It isn’t like the show follows HP Canon much anyway. And even as a hardcore fan, I didn’t find that too upsetting. I was too busy laughing to be upset. Whoever wrote this show needs to get their own sitcom. Or movie. Or musical. Because, to briefly escape the proper critic’s use of neutral language, they own. I am not worthy.
Darren Criss heads the cast as the title role in a unique way that kept me laughing. Usually in Potterspoofs, Harry is the all-encompassing BAMF, the equivalent of Chuck Norris in the Wizarding World (see: Potter Puppet Pals) and everyone surrounding him are his little cronies. Darren Criss, I am glad to say, did it right. Still maintaining the ‘I’m just a kid’ ‘tude while still adding a cool little spin and a sweet set of pipes, I might have fallen in love. Oh, and he even has one up on Dan Radcliffe himself: he has the shaggy black hair that’s actually canonical. Way to go! I hope to stalk you and your awesomeness one day.
As Harry’s BFFs Ron and Hermione, Joey Richter and Bonnie Gruesen also fulfilled their parts extremely well. Both good voices, both can actually act. And I won’t lie, I want Joey Richter to be my best friend and walk through the door with a giant Hershey bar whenever he’s upset. Bonnie made a very convincing Hermione, although, a little bit of critical advice: she was a little soft on the volume. As a wannabe actor, the one really critical thing I have to say for this show is that it was so good, the audience laughed way to loud, and those of us not fortunate enough to be there live could not hear a lot of the good parts. A lot of Hermione was lost on the acoustics of the room and the laughter of the audience. Bonnie, you have a great talent….SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!
I also enjoyed the performances from Jamie Lynn Beaty as Whiny-Little-Racist-Yet-Adorable-Sister Ginny (I liked her version better than the real thing…and Ginny is usually NOT on my list of favorite characters), Brian Rosenthaul as Quirell, who had better character development than the movie and book combined, not to mention I didn’t miss the annoying stutter, and Dylan Saunders as a hilarious (and slightly creepy) Dumbledore, who played up the gay while not being totally over-the-top in a very skillful way. Kudos!
My two favorite performances, though, I must say, go to the bad guys. I am now a Death Eater, sorry. Joe Walker played a totally awesome Voldemort. I fell in love with him during the show. Not to mention he gave Voldie a totally hot half-naked body during the second act and led the Death Eaters in the most epic Chorus Line of Evil I have ever seen. Also now a fan of Voldemort/Quirell fanfiction, thanks a lot, Mr. Walker. *eyeroll*
Then there’s Lauren Lopez…who I want to meet in person (along with pretty much everyone else in this cast of winners) who played Draco Malfoy. Draco’s character was much changed for the play, turning him into one of the good guys at the end, and really playing up his whininess. Not to mention, the Pigfarts Schtick Draco held throughout the whole show did not get old. Lopez has me rolling on the floor laughing…literally. Didn’t sing as much as I wanted her to…she had a TON of singing potential. Plus, her comedy was highly epic and maybe she’ll be the next Ellen Degeneres. I would be honored and awed to be on her show. As long as she wears the Draco wig (it….WAS a wig…right?)
As for the rest: all I can say is the whole cast brought the show together and pulled off the best HP spoof I’ve seen. Also, the music was extremely catchy and nicely-sung and harmonized.
A few little points, however: it was pretty obvious from the sound quality and the appearance of the vid that the play was not performed on the Main Stage of whatever college venue it was set at. And again, the volume quality was a little erratic, but that’s all technical. In my humble opinion: I think the cast should reunite on either a sound studio or a bigger stage and re-film the whole thing without an audience. Then put it on DVD and record a soundtrack. Dude, I’d buy it. There might be a matter of copyright issues from Rowling (Oh My Rowling!) with that, so I don’t know.
Also, I’d love to see this done with a bigger budget, so you, know, the uniforms of the students could actually be UNIFORM and the set could be a little more elaborate. But for what obvious little budget they had, the crew and cast did very well and was very creative with their sets and costumes.
My Grade: TA….for Totally Awesome.
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