Guys, be prepraed. The rant you are about to read probably has more swear words and vulgarities than you have heard in your lifetime.
Okay, so here's the straight-up story so you know why I'm slightly tweaked: The GOP coup'ed the NY State Senate from the Dems, who only had control fo it for, like, 4 months. They bribed two on-the-aisle Dems from the Bronx to vote with them, so it passed. Now the GOP is in control...AGAIN...against the popular VOTE, who VOTED for the Democratic Majority. Which means, essentially, is that the gay marriage bill which I have worked my ass off to help ensure is passed by the end of the month will most liekly be shot down until it can be brought up again in, like, ANOTHER 40 years. This was unexpected, pre-meditated, and came out of nowhere.
Seriously, fuck that goddamn bull-fucking shit. Who do those twat-sucking, slimy, self-obsessed snakes think they are to do that totally bitchy (yet sadly legal) maneuver? Yeah, folk, this cuntjob is 100% legal. Wanna know why? Because of the representative system we have in this mudsucking country!! The same system that illegally elected George Bush in 2000 and was responible for a lovely 8-year ride right into the fires of hell for this country!! Has this country learned NOTHING?!?!?! FUCK THAT FUCKSHIT!!! The people own this country (or, are supposed to). WE HAVE NO SAY HERE, PEOPLE. The direction in which this styate has been heading has just been stolen from us because of a bribe and a bunch of straw-sucking motherfucking self-interested white upper class WASP assholes who want nothing more than power to further their own interests and NOT the interests of their people!!! WE MEAN NOTHING!!!
Pardon my French, here, folks, but each and every member of the GOP is a slimy, ugly, nasty, two-faced son of a bitch who's mother was a whore with AIDS and herpes and whose father was in the closet and onyl slept with their mother because they felt sorry that she was fat and had an IQ of 16. Forrest Gump beat every one fo them on the SAT in high school and the only reason they're married is because they paid their spouses big bucks.
Really, this is bad, bad, bad. I have worked my ass off to help further the cause of human rights, and hah, if anyone is anti-human rights, it the GOP clowns.
And to think, the cause of all this is two Democrats-who-should-be-Republicans!! They took the bribe (probably money, yes?) and got greedy and sold their whole districts out! And this is NYC they represent, people. If it were, like the Adirondacks, I'd somewhat understand. But these clowns were senators of one of the most liberal cities on Earth.
The end is nigh. Start stocking up the ol' fallout shelters, because the COUNTRY IS FUCKED!!!
i think the GOP needs to go crawl in a hole and die, too. this is such bullshit! I think it has to go along with the whole thing about "Your vote counts" that makes people feel like they matter in the long run. THAT needs to change, too. It'll give some perspective of just how insignificant we really are in the big picture of the Federal Government. I think we should make a 28th Amendment that says "Thou shalt not be a douche."...or something like that...